Our School
From Our Principal
Welcome to Deniliquin Christian School! The school is fully registered and accredited with the NSW Education Standards Authority (formerly known as Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards) which means students can obtain the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) at the completion of Year 10. Our school is structured around composite classes, which assist to provide a community atmosphere and is appropriate for our size and staffing resources. While some choices, such as Elective Subjects for Years 9/10 are limited, they still meet the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority. We have the great opportunity to also offer distance education electives via Dubbo Distance Education.
Our school grounds are spacious, allowing for continued growth and development. Our playground is well developed and we make good use of the excellent sporting facilities available in our town such as the local Sports Stadium and Swim Centre.
We do however see our main physical asset as our people (staff, students & families) and the nurturing community we encourage. Our School remains a low-fee affordable option within the reach of all families.
Please contact the School Office if you have any further questions or if you wish to make an appointment regarding our School or your child’s education. If the application for enrolment of your child is approved, we will do all we can to ensure a smooth transition into our school community.
Yours faithfully
Paul Arundell - Principal
About Deniliquin Christian School
Deniliquin Christian School is affiliated with Christian Education National (CEN). CEN is 'a community of school communities unified around the common goal of authentic, Bible-based, Christ-centred education'.
The school was first established in 1996 by a group of Christian parents who wanted their children to have a quality christian education.